Week 1 - Meditation
Go into the inner sanctuary of your being and be quiet. If you dwell in ME, and if you let ME dwell in you, if you live in the recognition that I in the midst of you am your true identity, your eternal life, I will draw unto you whatever is necessary for your harmonious unfoldment, be it person, place, or thing.
Week 1 - Audio
Week 2 - Meditation
You govern your surroundings by the nature of what is taking place in your consciousness."The Foundation of Mysticism" Joel S. Goldsmith (2013) Devors and Company, p. 31
Week 2 - Audio
Week 3 - Meditation
Nothing can happen in your experience except through your consciousness."Consciousness Transformed" Joel S. Goldsmith (1998) Acropolis, from: August 11 1963, 'Lessons On Grace'
Week 3 - Audio
Week 4 - Meditation
Error is not power in the presence of illumined consciousness."Consciousness Transformed" Joel S. Goldsmith (1998) Acropolis, from: August 17 1963, 'It is I : Nullifying The Carnal Mind'
Week 4 - Audio
Week 5 - Meditation
Every Infinite Way student should have this as his goal, to accept the responsibility to die daily to material sense and be reborn of spiritual consciousness - and that means to bless the world that comes into your consciousness.
"Consciousness Transformed" Joel S. Goldsmith (1998) Acropolis, from: September 14 1963, 'There Is Only One God Consciousness'
Week 5 - Audio
Week 6 - Meditation
Consciousness is your real identity and the consciousness that you are right now has your life, your health, your success, your protection, your everything within you."Consciousness Transformed" Joel S. Goldsmith (1998) Acropolis, from: September 21 1963, 'The Adjustment Must Be Made Within Your Consciousness - A Lesson In Secrecy'
Week 6 - Audio
Week 7 - Meditation
Whatever is true will reveal itself to you from within your own being if you will just open your Consciousness to it.
"Love Gratitude" Joel S. Goldsmith (1953) DeVorss & Co., pp. 64-65
Week 7 - Audio
Week 8 - Meditation
The act of meditation is solely for the purpose of quieting us into a state of peace and serenity, in which we become receptive to the Word ... unfolding and revealing Itself in and as our consciousness.
"The Importance Of Meditation" Joel S. Goldsmith (January, 1955) Infinite Way Letters
Week 8 - Audio
Week 9 - Meditation
Rest in the deep, clear well of contentment within you. Peace already IS.
"The Wisdoms" in 'The Infinite Way' Joel S. Goldsmith (1947)
Week 9 - Audio
Week 9 - Audio
Week 10 - Meditation
Consciousness lives Itself. You do not live it.
"The Wisdoms" in 'The Infinite Way' Joel S. Goldsmith (1947)
Week 10 - Audio
Week 11 - Meditation
Week 11 - Audio
Can there be any power in anything that is not of the nature of love?
"The Art Of Spiritual Healing" Joel S. Goldsmith, Ch. 3
Week 11 - Audio
Week 12 - Meditation
I and my Consciousness are one. I look in no other direction than to the Infinite Invisible. Then what appears from within I share.
"The Thunder Of Silence" Joel S. Goldsmith, Ch. 1
Week 12 - Audio