'Spiritual Healing' Unofficial Study Guide No. 2

From: "Beyond Words And Thoughts"


1. • Death is not an experience, but an illusory sense that must be understood and seen through.
• Death is an experience only of corporeal sense, but death itself is never an experience of our true being.

2. When the Truth reveals itself it is not an activity of mind: it is Soul revealing Itself.

3. Your Soul overshadows you.

4. Exercise: Rest back in this realization, "Let my Soul take over instead of my mind". 

5. • In all of us, there remains a finite sense of self, which in the last analysis must be crucified.
• It is the personal sense of 'I' that must die.

6. Remember that this rising above the mind, above words and thoughts, does not eliminate the mind, words or thoughts, but it does eliminate living by them.


1. Contrary to all human belief, supply is the Word of Consciousness, and unless we are receiving the Word, we are not receiving Supply.

2. We are never separate or apart from our supply because it is already within our Consciousness.

3. Consciousness is the source of the substance that appears outwardly as gold, silver, trees, and all the good of this Universe.

4. Exercise: Our first act, repeated throughout the day, and our final act at night is consciously realising the realm of Consciousness within us.

5. (i) The only requirement is opening consciousness to receive it.
(ii) It is through the closing of our consciousness that we have shut out this Grace.
(iii) All that is necessary, therefore, to enjoy the infinity of supply without limitation is to recognise that supply is not material, and then to open Consciousness to receive it.

6. Grace always interprets itself at the level of the experience of the moment in which we are living.

7. We have no right to outline the form Grace is to take in our experience.

8. Omniscience knows all, and It knows all about every individual because Omniscience is the allness of every individual. Therefore, Omniscience operates within us to reveal Its plan for us.

9. We must open the only thing through and as which our Source appears: our Consciousness.

10. • The ears are open to hear; the mind is open to receive; and what we receive is Consciousness - the awareness and feeling of the Presence. This is Supply.
• When we receive this, It, in a way unknown to us, is translated in our human picture as food, clothing, housing, money, or whatever form it is that supply must take.

11. Real prayer is an opening of consciousness and then communing within.

12. • In every department of life, we must constantly search, not to see how we can get something, but in what way we can pour.
• The damming up of supply results from our failure to pour in some manner.

13. We are spiritual; our needs are spiritual; our supply is spiritual; and because of our oneness with Consciousness, it is all Omnipresent where we are.

14. Grace is not dependent on something that we do or not do in the world.

15. • Grace is not dependent on us first being virtuous.
• In any instant in which we realize our Oneness, Grace is upon us.

• We do not live by our brains or by our virtues: we live by divine Grace.