1. There is no change in the outer scene until there is a change in our state of consciousness.
2. Spiritual teaching is not the transfer of thought from one individual to another.
3. The reason for living the Sermon on the Mount is not for the sake of being a good human being, but because you realize that the other Self is you, and you are the other Self.
4. There is only one Being, and every person you meet represents your concept of that One, individually expressed.
1. Consciousness is not a mental activity; Consciousness does not reason or think: It is just aware. It is just a state of is.
2. We become aware that we are spiritual, that sin, disease, and death are illusions - just nothingness, or mesmeric suggestion - but we do not go through any mental process to make it so.
3. It is only with inner spiritual discernment that we can look through the human appearance and see the reality which underlies that appearance.