1. It must be clear that Spirit, being the only substance, must be the substance and form of the body.
2. All action is the activity of Consciousness. The body has no action of its own at all.
3. Life has no opposite for Life is infinite. There is no other life.
4. • You are as young or as old as Consciousness.
• The moment you think of your age, you are thinking of a selfhood apart from Consciousness and then you are trying to treat an illusion.
5. Life never had a beginning and will never have an ending.
6. If we realize our true identity to be Spirit, then the body is spiritual, and the body is as ageless as we ourselves are.
7. The truth has to be demonstrated by you individually through the conscious activity of your own awareness; a conscious activity of awareness.
8. Exercise: "I am the same age I was yesterday, I am the same life, the same mind, the same Spirit, the same body".
9. Consciousness, employing It's own qualities and action and intelligence and service, individually as you and as me, is the only employment there is.
10. • Consciousness is the only employer and the only employee.
• Consciousness is always employed in great action, in great works, in great ideas.
• Consciousness cannot become the victim of mental or material conditions.
11. • Your business will reflect the condition of your consciousness on the subject of business.
• You must consciously realize that business is an activity of Consciousness operating through the instrument of the one mind, which is my mind.
1. We shall not lose our body, but we shall lose our false sense of body and come into the realization of the true nature of body.
2. Consciousness cannot be or remain unconscious.
3. • The body does not have any intelligence with which to live or die.
• The body can only reflect, or express, the activity of our own state of consciousness.
4. Any disease appearing to be of the body is contracted through the activity of the human mind because of its acceptance of universal beliefs.
5. Exercise: Realize, "This body is not a power over me. I, the divine consciousness of Being, am the life and the mind, the intelligence and the directing power of this body".
6. Overcoming the world begins with our understanding of oneness, with the realization that all that is pouring through me is the life, health and wholeness of Consciousness.
7. Consciousness is forever unfolding, disclosing, revealing, manifesting, and expressing Itself as individual consciousness.
8. Our own consciousness is the power of resurrection.
9. Consciousness is forever revealing Itself as our individual being, and Spirit must appear or manifest as form.
1. The purpose of this work is to quicken the unfolding of Consciousness as your individual consciousness.
2. To attain happiness or peace, to attain peace of mind, or a sense of wholeness and harmony means, first of all, to stop running around, stop trying to get something, and rather learn to sit quietly, to meditate, and to ponder within yourself the realities of Being, and then 'let' this happiness come.
3. • Nothing can be added to you; nothing can be taken from you.
• There is nothing 'out there' separate from us to be attained.
4. The allness of health, the allness of harmony and abundance, and the consequent nothingness of any power to obstruct the operation of this Allness.
5. To learn to change our consciousness is really and truly the purpose of our work because whatever is discordant in our experience is but our erroneous consciousness of that which is appearing.
6. Your own consciousness governs your life.
7. The more the mesmeric suggestion or universal belief in a separate selfhood grips you, the more will your demonstration be governed by world consciousness.
8. World beliefs have no power over you; your consciousness of being is the law unto you.