'Practicing The Presence' Study Guide - Chapters 9 & 10

Practicing The Presence Study Guide

Chapter Nine

1. Live only in this moment, which is the only moment there is. Develop a Consciousness of Nowness.

2. Exercise: Take one principle into meditation daily for at least a month until its inner meaning is revealed.

3. Exercise: Train yourself to live only in this moment.

4. Reviving hates, fears, animosities of yesterday keeps alive today.

5. Consciousness lives. Our responsibility is like looking over our shoulders and watching Consciousness unfold as our individual experience.  Being a beholder, all personal sense of responsibility drops away.

6. Only Consciousness can think, love, heal, express wisdom and joy. Without Consciousness we are nothing.

7. To the extent that we are willing to loose the world and let it go, are we free from the world.

8. Seek the atmosphere of Consciousness and rest in its vast, all-embracing inner sanctuary of silence.

Chapter Ten

1. Our work is to establish the original relationship of Oneness - the indissoluble union. It must be a conscious act on our part - a recognition of our inner Self.

2. Withdraw your gaze from the external, and turn your attention to within yourself.

3. Love is the answer, and it is experienced in proportion as it is permitted to flow out.

4. Many miracles may occur in our experience, but only those who are sufficiently attuned to behold them will be conscious of what happened.

5. Consciousness cannot force Itself into anyone's mind - it is the individual who must open himself up in awareness.

6. Appearances are not real, they are illusions created and perpetuated in the human mind.

7. We sit inside ourselves looking out upon the world.

8. All truth of the world remains hidden except in proportion as it can find a human consciousness through which, or as which, it can flow out.

9. Exercise: Many times a day, turn your thought as if in the direction of your heart, to the Consciousness that lives within you.

10. Beautiful as you look, or horrible as you look, I now know there is no truth in you.

• There is no power in any form, in any condition.

• Consciousness is the only Presence.

• The only discord there is, is the belief in a condition separate and apart from my own Being.

11. The one great temptation is to accept two powers.

12. Seek first the realization of this inner Kingdom and be a beholder as the outer things are added to your experience.

13. • The goal of life is to be consciously one with our True Self.

• The way is through inner contemplation.

• The means is the universal love of Self.