This post is intended as a study guide, an aid offering points for contemplation as you read through Joel's work.
As we read through each chapter of this book it maybe helpful to consider:
1. What is the main message of this chapter?
2. What are the spiritual principles Joel is pointing to?
3. How does this chapter speak to me?
1. The outer world will conform to the inner awareness of Truth.
1. Cause becomes visible as effect, but the essence or substance is still the Word, Spirit or Consciousness.
2. When confronted with any human problem, turn from the picture and realize the presence of the divine Spirit in you.
3. We are living in a spiritual universe, but the finite sense has set a picture before us of limitation.
4. As we put off the personal ego and attain the consciousness of our Real Self we attain immortality.
5. The desire to perpetuate our false sense of body and wealth ensnared us into death, or mortality.
6. It is the conscious awareness of the infinity of individual being replacing the future sense of existence.
1. Because the human scene is entirely a misconception through misperception, any thought of helping, healing, correcting, or changing the material picture must be relinquished in order than we may see the ever present Reality.
2. We will fear no change in the outer picture because the outer is but the reflection of the allness within.
3. Let us keep thought removed as far as possible from the world of sense and anchored in the conscious awareness of spiritual reality.
4. If you do not look away from the personal sense, you will not find the great Light within your own consciousness.
5. It is impossible to be 'the Light of the world' and not dispel the darkness of those about us.
6. Realize that all the good you experience is the shining forth of your own consciousness even when it appears to come from, or through, some other individual.
1. There is but one Life and this Life is the life of individual being.
2. • Consciousness unfolds from within to the without, from the infinity of your being to the individual awareness.
• This consciousness is you.
3. We see through appearance to the Real.
4. As the individualisation of Consciousness, we embody within our own consciousness our body, our business, and our home.
1. The consciousness which is expressing itself as me is maintaining and prospering us and our endeavours.
2. Our task is to learn to relax and 'let' our Soul express itself.
3. More and more we must become the spectator or witness of this divine activity of Life expressing and fufilling Itself.
4. Consciousness expands and sees that which before was invisible.
1. As we forget ourselves and learn to be in a state of receptivity, we will find ourselves filled with Soul-consciousness.
2. Error is not real - there is no matter, since the substance of matter is really mind.
3. All that can come to us as person, thing, or condition is coming to us as consciousness, in consciousness, and through consciousness.
4. Spirit is the substance of all which we are conscious.
5. Spiritual consciousness translates the appearance for us, revealing the true nature of that which is appearing.
1. You begin to feel a stirring within you, a sense of peace, or the surge of divine Life.
2. Exercise: Whenever you leave one place to go on to another place, pause for a second to realize that the Presence has gone before you to prepare the way; and that that Presence remains behind you as a benediction to all who pass that way.
3. As we gain the full consciousness of our true identity, we show it forth in a greater sense of harmony, health, and success.
1. That which we seem to be seeking is ever-present within us, and already manifested.
2. It is our conscious awareness of the oneness of Being that results in answered prayer.
3. That which I am seeking I am.
1. • We are concerned only with the truth of Being.
• The activity of this truth in our consciousness is the healing influence.
2. The body is not self-acting. It is governed harmoniously by spiritual power.
3. • No change then takes place in the body because the error was never there.
• It is entirely exchanging a concept for the truth that already is.
• Always it is a faise concept or belief to be corrected in thought.
4. These apparent discords will disappear as we are able to ceases our resistance to them.
5. Nothing can come to you; nothing can be added to you.
6. That which we term your humanhood must be still so as to be a clear transparency through which your infinite individual Self may appear, express or reveal itself.
7. We are that place where consciousness becomes visible.
8. The world is fighting a power of evil, but we have discovered there is no such power.
9. We bind ourselves by believing that there is a power outside of us.
10. Your consciousness is the all power and the only power acting upon your affairs.
11. All that exists as persons, places, and things live only within our own consciousness.
1. Your consciousness is the law of supply unto you.
1. Since I am infinite consciousness and since I am the law, then nothing in the external can act upon me and be law unto me.
2. As an emanation of Consciousness, it is our Consciousness Itself individually appearing and expressing It's own being, nature, and character.
3. Exercise: Cultivate an awareness of the presence every moment.
4. Our purpose in life is the unfolding of the Spirit within.
1. The sense which presents pictures of discord is the universal mesmerism which produces the entire dream of human existence.
2. All temporal conditions and experiences are products of self-hypnotism.
3. A universal illusion binds us to earth - to temporal conditions.
4. 'I' am breaking the sense of limitation for you as an evidence of 'My' presence and of 'My' influence in your experience.