Chapter Sixteen
1. Consciousness is the one creative and governing principle of each of us and all that is.
2. Everything emanates from Consciousness.
3. This is not a world made up of separate people and things.
4. We are one with the One Consciousness and It is flowing out as our individual experience.
5. If we are able to penetrate the depths that lie way back of his eyes, we shall see the person in his true identity and behold the reality of his being.
6. Every person wears a mask of humanhood, behind which lies the One Consciousness, his true Identity.
7. We owe it to ourselves and to the world not to look at man as a person, but to see him in his true spiritual identity.
8. When we are no longer under the hypnotic influence of the pairs of opposites, the world has no power to enslave us.
9. When we remove world-hypnotism or the belief in two powers from ourselves or any individual, we are free.
10. The picture in our mind was never that person: it was a mental concept which we had built.
Chapter Seventeen
1. Consciousness cannot give or send us anything.
2. There is no such thing as Consciousness 'and'.
3. We have erroneously accepted the belief that we must draw our good to us, labour for it and compete with others.
4. There is nothing but Consciousness, appearing as.
5. We can stand still and think no thoughts - just be receptive and let Consciousness flow and permeate our being.
Chapter Eighteen
1. When we have been touched by the Spirit, it is evident in the light shining forth from our eyes and the glow on our face.
2. Our purpose is to be the transparency through which the Light expresses Itself.
3. Resist not - and rest in Consciousness.
4. The transcendental Presence, when embraced, encompasses our being and reaches our heart centre.
5. Learn to be nothing and let the Light act in you, through you, as you. It can only function through you when you have become still enough to hear the thunder of Silence.
6. The highest state of Consciousness is when there is no person anymore - there is just 'I' voicing Itself.
7. The pictures of sense are dissolved as we sit in quietness and stillness, bearing witness within.
Chapter Nineteen
1. There is only one enemy - the universal belief that material and mental force can control this world.
2. There is no power in the visible world.
3. Rest in the knowledge that all opposition destroys itself.
4. • Standing still is refraining from resisting physical and mental power, relaxing in an ocean of peace.
• Then the discord destroys itself and disappears out of our experience.
5. When we have stood in a complete Silence and permitted Spirit to permeate mind and body, It prepares the way.
6. Rest in the Silence that created the Universe and let it perform Its function.