'Practicing The Presence' Study Guide - Chapters 7 & 8

Practicing The Presence Study Guide

 Chapter Seven

1. Meditation and inner communion with the Presence is The Way.

• The way to consciously experience an awareness of Presence is through meditation.

• We are taught to consciously realize our oneness with the source of our Being to receive Its blessings

2. My Consciousness and I are one and inseparable.

3. Consciousness can only be found within you when the senses are stilled.

• Consciousness is an inner stillness. In a receptive state of stillness, the awareness of our Presence permeates us. Stop...and listen within.

4. Stillness cannot be reached through thought. 

5. The Inner Transcendental Presence must be an experience, it must be felt. Then that which is within will change the outer life; the inner grace will appear outwardly.

6. Exercise: At first this must be a constant, conscious remembrance because the mesmerism of this world draws the mind away from the awareness of our Inner Presence.

7. Diligent practice of opening ourselves up to Awareness calls for the annihilation of the ego and simply resting in Its Light.

8. The secret of meditation is silence: no repetitions, no affirmations, no denials.
The deeper the silence, the more powerful the meditation. 

Chapter Eight

1. Exercise: Develop the habit of waiting for a second at every door and realise, "There is no place where I can go today that my Consciousness is not".

2. We live by Consciousness, not by effect.

3. "If there is not enough love in your life, it is only because you are not loving enough... let the love flow out .... That love which flows out from ... within you ... will come back to you".

4. You are seeking nothing to come to you. You are seeking only to let the Consciousness that moves and wells up within you flow through you. This may come as a sense of peace, a deep breath within us. 

5. Everything responds to the Light of Consciousness recognised within.
This truth must be felt, experienced and communed with.

6. Consciousness is not a healer of disease; Consciousness is an infinity of being. Besides Consciousness, there is nothing else. It reveals that there was never power in a so-called disease.
In the realization of Omnipresence, darkness disappears and the light comes in.

7. My Consciousness is the only power operating in my universe, within this room, within my own being.

• This Light pours through me as an Invisible Presence and an Invisible Power.

8. Exercise: Rest in the awareness of the rythmn of the Universe flowing through you.