'The Mystical I' Unofficial Study Guide - Chapters 7-9

Chapter Seven

1. The non-power of effect. Carnal mind only acts as power because of our acceptance of it.

2. All discord is the product of a universal hypnotism based on the belief in two powers.

3. The more we live in the realization that we do not have to be subject to the universal hypnotism of world belief in two powers, the more we free ourselves from the influence. When we understand Consciousness as Omnipotence, then we are free.

4. Carnal mind is not a power that can operate in or through man. 

5. Consciousness is neither good nor evil; It just IS.

6. The carnal mind is not overcome by fighting it, but by recognising it is made up of belief.

7. Exercise: • As discords appear in your experience, first open the door of your consciousness and recognise 'I' and then acknowledge that there is no power external to It.

• Abide in 'Me' and let 'Me' abide in you.

• Recognise that appearances are shadows, they are not realities; they are not powers.

8. • The First Principle of The Infinite Way is the Omnipotence of Consciousness.

• The Second Principle of The Infinite Way is the non-power of that which is appearing as the world of effect.

Chapter Eight

1. The Self and you are one, but It is greater than you.

2. 'I' am the very fabric, the very source of your life.

3. All of the problems you have suffered have only been because of sense of separation which has kept your gaze on the outer realm, instead of turning within to where 'I' am to be found.

4. I am to be found within your consciousness, within in your awareness.

5. All this universe and it's people are embraced in your consciousness.

6. Exercise: Consider - I in the midst of you am where you are.

• I in the midst of you am where your friends are.

• I in the midst of you am where your enemies are.

• There is no time, no place, no person where I am not.

7. I in the midst of you go to prepare a place for you.

8. Turn ye and live.

9. I can feel universal, invisible Consciousness flowing and pouring into me.

1O. Exercise: • Whenever a problem arises in your experience, turn instantly away from the problem to the I within and realise that this is the solution to all problems.

• Wait in meditation until you have the feeling of this Presence and then release the problem and let it go.

11. Nothing that does not emanate from Consciousness has power.

12. We are not forgiven our omissions except as we forgive those who err against us.

Chapter Nine

1. • Your real Self is the "I" within.

• The goal is attaining conscious union with that Self and dying to the limited sense of self. 

2. You have to go beyond the demonstration of good humanhood.

Exercise: What kind of peace does our spiritual identity give?

4. We tabernacle with the Self of all beings, their perfect Self - that which is hidden behind the external appearance. 

5. 'I' looks out through my eyes at one years of age and 'I' is looking out through my eyes now. 

6. Remembering that I am the temple not made with hands enables us to by-pass any  appearance to the 'I' at the centre of our being.